Release Notes and Executables

Release 1.1.2

Status: Released



Source code is available on the Movie Labs mddf GitHub repoistory. If you would like more information, please contact us.


This release of the desktop Avails Validation tool contains bug fixes including those pertaining to usage of RFC5646 language identifiers and the validation of an Avails file in Excel format. Specifications and templates may be obtained from the MovieLabs Content Availability Metadata web-page.

Primary features are:

  • EMA  Avails Metadata validation.
  • Integrated XML editor -- intended for making corrections in an Avails file that doesn't yet validate.
  • Conversion of XLSX Avails file into XML or XML into XLSX.

New Features and Bug Fixes:

  • Bug Fix: Validation of controlled (i.e., enummerated) vocabulary did not correctly use appropriate schema version when checking.
  • Bug Fix: Validation of language tags ignored case of multiple languages being specified.
  • Bug Fix: Processing of TV Avails specified in Excel v1.6 format did not correctly identify version of template as v1.6
  • Bug Fix: Validation of TV Avails specified in Excel v1.6 format did not check EpisodeAltID, SeasonAltID, and SeriesAltID
  • Bug Fix: When converting XLSX to XML multiple ReleaseHistory and Rating elements for a single Asset are now transfered even if defined on multiple rows.

Known Issues

  • Validation of XML Avails based on versions of the specification prior to V2.1 is not supported.
  • Excel files must be in xlsx format.
  • Validation of Excel Avails files is limited to a single sheet.
  • Comments in a spreadsheet will prevent a XLSX file from being processed.

Other Changes
