Datatype Properties

date is required
has alternative sequence number
has approximate length
has artwork height
has artwork type
has artwork width
has award detail
has award sequence
has billed role
has billing name
has billing order
has company name
has count
has country
has country code
has currency
has date of birth
has department
has domain
has edit details
has end date
has episode house number
has episode sequence number
has external URI
has group description
has high scale
has identifier value
has keyword language
has keyword name
has keyword type
has keyword value
has language
has location country
has location details
has low scale
has name
has numeric value
has original language
has original release date
has original release year
has person name language
has person name value
has rank domain
has rank name.
has rank source
has rank vote count
has rating country
has rating system
has rating value
has relation
has relationship type
has season sequence number
has source
has specific gender
has start date
has text country
has text date
has text language
has text type
has text value
has time slot
has title language
has title value
has year of award
is 3D
is a landmark
is adult
is official group
is official title
is seen as star
is transgender
is translated title
number is required
original title is required