Class 'Participant as structure'

Class [owl:Class]
Participant as structure
Describes the form of a Participant along with the attributes specific to that Participant's form. Film and television production has always been done by people in combination with technology or infrastructure. Originally, a few people did everything, but very soon specialization emerged. Over time, organizations formed to represent people’s needs and requirements, and regulate the production and distribution of content – these evolved into unions, guilds, trade associations, and standards bodies, which in turn developed their own specializations. As production became more complex, producers turned to external suppliers for some parts of the process, resulting in today’s large ecosystem of vendors and service providers. The newest entry into the class is the notion of services (cloud or on-prem) that do not require human intervention to perform their task. They benefit from standardized input and infrastructure and are the key to leveraging automation and cloud to increase the output of creative works to meet the oncoming demand for scripted content. Each of kind of Participant – Person, Organization, Service – is defined by a subclass of Participant As Structure.
preferred label
Participant as structure

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