by Spencer Stephens | Feb 1, 2024 | Security, Videos
Spencer Stephens delves into the perfect storm of challenges surrounding Production Security amidst a convergence of factors, such as the migration of production to cloud environments, the intricate nature of safeguarding cloud infrastructure, and the persistent rise in cybersecurity incidents despite advancements in defensive technologies.
by Spencer Stephens | Oct 7, 2021 | Videos, Visual Language
Watch Spencer Stephen’s video explaining the Visual Language for Media Creation, explaining how the visual language guide and suite of design elements helps developers and producers create and communicate workflows in a visually consistent way.
by Mark Turner | May 21, 2021 | Gaps, Multi-Cloud Infrastructures, Ontology & Data, Software Defined Workflows, Videos
In this video, Mark Turner, MovieLab’s Program Director of Production Technology, explains the problem with current production workflows. He paints a picture of the ideal world of production workflow, called Productionlandia. This idyllic world is part of the MovieLabs 2030 Vision.
by Mark Turner | May 21, 2021 | Multi-Cloud Infrastructures, Ontology & Data, Security, Software Defined Workflows, Videos
A quick overview of the 10 principles of the MovieLabs2030 Vision by Mark Turner, MovieLab’s Program Director, Production Technology.
In this video, Mark gives a brief explanation of the ten principles of the 2030 Vision, covering:
A New Cloud Foundation;
Security & Access; and
Software-defined Workflows.
by Jim Helman | May 21, 2021 | Multi-Cloud Infrastructures, Ontology & Data, Software Defined Workflows, Videos
Jim Helman discusses the implementation path of the software-defined workflow principles of the 2030 Vision in this video. Jim shares the essential formalisms and specific mechanisms that will enable flexible production workflows with increased automation and interoperability.
by Spencer Stephens | May 19, 2021 | Security, Software Defined Workflows, Videos
In this video, Spencer Stephens reviews the need for a shared security architecture for cloud-based content production. This architecture can deliver a strong foundation for protecting media assets and the cloud workflows that produce them.