Expert System supports media organizations with the MovieLabs Creative Works Ontology

Posted on July 24, 2019
Artificial Intelligence company Expert System today announced the availability in its Cogito® AI platform of the Creative Works Ontology developed by MovieLabs, the non-profit R&D joint venture started by the major Hollywood studios. MovieLabs’s Creative Works Ontology, published late last year  helps fill the need of media companies to adapt their infrastructures to an increasingly […]

Artificial Intelligence company Expert System today announced the availability in its Cogito® AI platform of the Creative Works Ontology developed by MovieLabs, the non-profit R&D joint venture started by the major Hollywood studios.

MovieLabs’s Creative Works Ontology, published late last year  helps fill the need of media companies to adapt their infrastructures to an increasingly data-driven industry landscape. By providing well-defined classes of entities (such as Creative Work, Contributor, Character), unique identifiers, properties and relationships, the ontology acts as a standard organizing framework that describes the relationships between works and other entities, and provides a scalable metadata foundation for business applications. This enables content producers, distribution platforms, and service providers to ensure interoperability of asset metadata and reliably integrate data coming from disparate systems.

Expert System’s Cogito® platform understands language (such as that found in scripts, synopses, reviews,…) and applies metadata automatically to content assets. With the Creative Works Ontology available as a Cogito® module, media companies will be able to simplify and accelerate the application of the MovieLabs organizing framework through automation – a process that would otherwise be entirely manual and extremely time-consuming.

“The combination of Expert System’s Cogito® AI platform with MovieLabs’ Creative Works Ontology opens the door to automated, standardized indexing of media knowledge and data,” said Daniel Mayer, SVP Products, Expert System Enterprise. “We look forward to building game-changing search, navigation and recommendation engines with our media customers, and bringing their analytics to the next level.”

“A key goal of the Creative Works Ontology was to provide a framework for content producers and service providers to help build interoperability into their core data structures,” said Raymond Drewry, Principal Scientist, MovieLabs. “By integrating the ontology into their AI product, Expert System is providing an important new tool for advancing that goal.”



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